What Are Carpenter Bees?
The carpenter bee is a solitary species of stinging insect that looks like and are often confused with bumblebees. The carpenter bee is a large species of bee. They range in size from ½ an inch to 1 ½ inch in length. Carpenter bees have a shiny black abdomen. The bumble bee’s abdomen is completely covered in dense hair. Carpenter bees are black in color, but males may have a white or yellow face. Females have stingers, but are docile and rarely sting. Males are very aggressive, but can’t sting. They basically have a very loud “bark” but no “bite” to back it up!
Are Carpenter Bees Dangerous?
Carpenter bees are both dangerous and damaging insects that should not be allowed to live on any property for long. Females are not super aggressive; however, if a sting does occur, their venom is strong enough to trigger an allergic reaction in some people.
Carpenter bees are capable of causing significant property damage. Females create their nests by boring holes into pieces of wood. While carpenter bees nest by themselves, they often come back to the same area or piece of wood each year to nest.
An interesting fact is that most of the damage from a carpenter bee infestation often comes from woodpeckers. Woodpeckers love to feed on carpenter bee larvae. To gain access to their favorite delicacy, they peck around the edge of the nest, creating a lot of unsightly damage.
Why Do I Have A Carpenter Bee Problem?
Carpenter bees are living on your property because it offers them easy access to the things they need to live comfortably. Like any living creature, these bees need food, water, and shelter. They feed on pollen and nectar, so properties with a lot of flowering vegetation are attractive to them. Leaky fixtures, birdbaths, clogged gutters, and ornamental ponds provide them with water, while trees, wooden structures, and home exteriors offer shelter.
Where Will I Find Carpenter Bees?
Females create their nests in pieces of wood, and you can identify a carpenter bee infestation by the round, smooth holes they make. Female carpenter bees also prefer to nest inside older or untreated wood, but may also attack painted or stained wood. You will commonly find their nests in:
- Fences
- Decks
- Wood play structures
- Wood trim
- Shingles
- Roof Eaves
During the day, carpenter bees can be seen flying around the opening of their nest or flowering vegetation.
How Do I Get Rid Of Carpenter Bees?
To eliminate destructive carpenter bees, partner with an experienced pest control professional. At Pest & Termite Consultants. We offer the advanced services needed to solve your property’s carpenter bee problem. Our qualified professionals provide accurate identification, cost estimates, and perform effective carpenter bee treatments. To learn more about our carpenter bee control services and how they can protect your Raleigh-area home from these destructive bees, reach out to us!
How Can I Prevent Carpenter Bees In The Future?
To discourage carpenter bees from choosing your property to live on, we suggest the following:
- Repair holes in your home’s exterior walls using a caulking gun or wood filler.
- Place metal flashing on the end of deck boards or boards used to build wooden play-sets.
- Varnish, stain, paint, or otherwise treat wooden structures in or around your home.
- Remove fallen trees, tree stumps, and other excess wood from your property.
- Cut back overgrown flowering vegetation back from the exterior of your house.
Are Carpenter Bees Dangerous?
Carpenter bees are both dangerous and damaging insects that should not be allowed to live on any property for long. Females are not super aggressive; however, if a sting does occur, their venom is strong enough to trigger an allergic reaction in some people.
Carpenter bees are capable of causing significant property damage. Females create their nests by boring holes into pieces of wood. While carpenter bees nest by themselves, they often come back to the same area or piece of wood each year to nest.
An interesting fact is that most of the damage from a carpenter bee infestation often comes from woodpeckers. Woodpeckers love to feed on carpenter bee larvae. To gain access to their favorite delicacy, they peck around the edge of the nest, creating a lot of unsightly damage.
Why Do I Have A Carpenter Bee Problem?
Carpenter bees are living on your property because it offers them easy access to the things they need to live comfortably. Like any living creature, these bees need food, water, and shelter. They feed on pollen and nectar, so properties with a lot of flowering vegetation are attractive to them. Leaky fixtures, birdbaths, clogged gutters, and ornamental ponds provide them with water, while trees, wooden structures, and home exteriors offer shelter.
Where Will I Find Carpenter Bees?
Females create their nests in pieces of wood, and you can identify a carpenter bee infestation by the round, smooth holes they make. Female carpenter bees also prefer to nest inside older or untreated wood, but may also attack painted or stained wood. You will commonly find their nests in:
- Fences
- Decks
- Wood play structures
- Wood trim
- Shingles
- Roof Eaves
During the day, carpenter bees can be seen flying around the opening of their nest or flowering vegetation.
How Do I Get Rid Of Carpenter Bees?
To eliminate destructive carpenter bees, partner with an experienced pest control professional. At Pest & Termite Consultants. We offer the advanced services needed to solve your property’s carpenter bee problem. Our qualified professionals provide accurate identification, cost estimates, and perform effective carpenter bee treatments. To learn more about our carpenter bee control services and how they can protect your Raleigh-area home from these destructive bees, reach out to us!
How Can I Prevent Carpenter Bees In The Future?
To discourage carpenter bees from choosing your property to live on, we suggest the following:
- Repair holes in your home’s exterior walls using a caulking gun or wood filler.
- Place metal flashing on the end of deck boards or boards used to build wooden play-sets.
- Varnish, stain, paint, or otherwise treat wooden structures in or around your home.
- Remove fallen trees, tree stumps, and other excess wood from your property.
- Cut back overgrown flowering vegetation back from the exterior of your house.