NC WDI-100 Reports In Raleigh, NC
Protect Your Property From The Threat Of Wood-Destroying Insects!
An estimated $2 billion is spent annually in the United States controlling or preventing just termites. This does not include powder post beetles, old house borers, carpenter ants, carpenter bees, or moisture problems, all of which are inspected for and reported on when performing an NC WDI-100 inspection/report.
Purchasing a home is one of the biggest investments most will make in their lifetime. During the purchase process, having a wood-destroying insect inspection/report performed in conjunction with your home inspection can save homeowners here in North Carolina thousands of dollars in unexpected expenses.
Our NC WDI-100 Inspections/Reports
All pest control companies in the state of North Carolina are licensed and regulated by the North Carolina Department of Agriculture, Structural Pest Control Division. North Carolina, is one of a handful of states in the country, that mandates and regulates the use of their own form the NC WDI-100. This is the only form that can be used for the reporting of wood destroying insects or the lack thereof on a real estate transaction in North Carolina. The NC WDI-100 report is a report on the presence or absence of wood-destroying organisms, based on a visual inspection of readily accessible areas. Pest Control companies do not remove insulation, dismantle structure, etc.. during this inspection/report. With some construction ie: finished interiors of slabs and obstructed areas, you will not detect termites until they show through walls- do a large enough amount of damage to be detected. If termite activity is observed or noted no matter how minor it may seem, it is always best practice to have a licensed general contractor or structural engineer assess areas
Due to the nature and biology of termites, the (NC WDI-100) Wood Destroying Insect Inspection/Report is only good for 30 days. After purchase, having a termite bond put in place is ideal but, at a minimum, having an annual inspection performed is key in protecting your investment.
Unlike a lot of our competitors in the Triangle area, only members of our management team, who are all Certified North Carolina applicators or hold North Carolina Pest Control licenses, perform these inspections. You are not getting a service technician who is new on the Job after a month of training. Pest & Termite Consultants, Inc. has affiliations with many home inspectors in the Triangle and surrounding areas and we can be contracted in conjunction with your home inspection, making the closing process easier.
* Rates to inspect and issue NC WDI-100 report start at $85.00
Wood Destroying Insect report (NC WDIR) informational link.
Powder Post Beetle & Wood Inhabiting Fungi informational link.