Did You Know Bed Bugs Can Infest Your Office In Raleigh?

bed bug on persons skin

Being the capital of North Carolina, Raleigh is a bustling city full of potential; it claims to support innovation, entrepreneurship, and development. People are encouraged to settle down in this area that provides a great place to work and live. The only thing that can put a damper on Raleigh’s claims is a bed bug infestation. Bed bugs are not picky about where they live; they are happy to feast on you at home or the office.

The Secret To Identifying Raleigh Bed Bugs

Would you like to try and identify something that can be as small as a pinhead? Ordinary people are not on the lookout for pests that are this small; that is what makes identifying bed bugs are a real issue. Eight identifying characteristics of bed bugs are as follows:

  1. Eggs (1 mm) are white; they may have an eyespot around five days old.
  2. Nymphs grow between 1.5 mm to 4.5 mm (about the size of a pinhead).
  3. Adults range from 3/16 inch to ¼ inches long (the size of an apple seed) and are oval, flat, and broad; they can swell like a balloon after feeding.
  4. Adults are a mahogany color when unfed and change to a reddish-brown color when fed.
  5. Adults have six legs.
  6. Adults have wing pads but do not use them for flying.
  7. Adults have short, golden-colored hairs.
  8. Adults are “smelly” with a musky-sweet odor.

What Everybody Ought To Know The Way Bed Bugs Travel

Bed bugs are experienced travelers and will use just about anything to hitchhike a ride. Most people associate bed bugs with homes; however, they have no problem thriving in office buildings. Many infestations in a business occur when employees bring them in from home. Since bed bugs can attach themselves to just about anything, they may catch a ride with employees as they leave their house and ride right into the office.Items bed bugs use to hitch a ride include:

  • Briefcases
  • Clothing
  • Backpacks
  • Purses
  • Laptop cases

There is no shame in acknowledging you have a bed bug infestation; it can happen to anyone. They love both clean and dirty homes. Since bed bugs easily transfer from homes to businesses, employees must report home infestations to employers as soon as possible. When employees disclose a home infestation, employers can begin establishing protections that will help prevent or stop infestations from spreading throughout the office.

What Raleigh Employers Ought To Know About Negligence Lawsuits

Employers that know about bed bug infestations in the office and do nothing about it can face legal ramifications. Bed bug infestations in the workplace can cause a chain reaction that can race through an office like a fire in a dry forest. Not only can bed bugs cause extreme discomfort to an employee’s body, but they can also take bed bugs home with them. Employee lawsuits can assert the following:

  • Psychological damages
  • Physical damages
  • Financial damages

All reports of bed bug infestations should be taken seriously and investigated. Costs incurred in safeguarding a facility are small compared to the cost of retaining counsel to fight negligence lawsuits.

How Raleigh Employers Can Get Rid Of Bed Bug Infestations

If your company has any signs of a bug infestation, make sure employers call Pest & Termite Consultants for inspection and eradication; it is the only way to safeguard employees against invading pests. Put our 25 years of experience to the test and call Pest & Termite Consultants today for commercial and home pest control in Garner, Raleigh and surrounding areas.

Serving Raleigh, Durham, & The Triangle Since 1993

Contact us now to schedule your pest control services and protect your home or business.

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